Charity referral form

    What our clients say about us

    We value our clients’ opinions and want to ensure that we continue to support them to achieve their financial goals. Results from our client survey in August 2019 show that:

    I think that the remuneration you will receive is very reasonable indeed given the time, effort and thoughtfulness you have evidently put into considering all aspects of our problems.

    C.B., London

    A client since 2018

    We have been with Globe now for more than 20 years, starting with AVC's, building up and ISA portfolio and finally now managing our pension arrangements. In every case, they have taken great care in ensuring that our attitude to risk was carefully managed and this has been reflected in the performance of our investments. Their very professional approach to the complex issues involved means that we would have no hesitation in recommending them to any new potential investors.

    Robert Stuart Briggs, Dorset

    A client since 1999

    Thank you for your advice. With the benefit of hindsight, it was as good as we had hoped it to be.

    T.P., Oxfordshire

    A client since 2018

    For years I have enjoyed sound prudent insightful advice and guidance from Tom that has consistently kept me ahead of the market and my peers. Additionally, when needed, extra relevant and timely expertise has been delivered at huge value and speed. In a world where everybody promises, these guys stand head and shoulders amongst all the noise by delivering results and desired outcomes without fail.

    James Beagrie, Liphook

    A client since 2005

    Always had excellent service from Tom Fawcett and very quick to respond to any query often anticipating any query, usually just after the statements are sent out, and sends me an email beforehand pointing out any problems or not.

    Anthony Miles, Sutton

    A client since 2001

    98%of clients say working with us has helped them to achieve their financial goals.

    98%of clients are satisfied with the quality of our review meetings.

    96%of clients would recommend us to friends, family or colleagues.