About you

Our clients value our professional advice, delivered in a friendly, relaxed and straightforward manner. With empathy and integrity, we focus on guiding our clients to achieve their financial goals both now and in the future.

We understand that your financial needs will change throughout your life and at different stages. That’s why our independent advisors specialise in helping the people who are:

What our clients say about us

We value our clients’ opinions and want to ensure that we continue to support them to achieve their financial goals. Results from our client survey in August 2019 show that:

Globe IFA (via Andrew Connolly) has given sound reliable and well-researched advice over the many years he's been handling my family trusts.

Frank Robin Richard Jackson, Wimbledon/Corsham

A client since 2003

Always had excellent service from Tom Fawcett and very quick to respond to any query often anticipating any query, usually just after the statements are sent out, and sends me an email beforehand pointing out any problems or not.

Anthony Miles, Sutton

A client since 2001

We have worked with Globe IFA for 20 years and value their personal care for our financial wellbeing & proactive work on our behalf.

Margaret Coldiron, London

A client since 1999

Globe IFA has advised us through several major financial decisions, including home-buying, remortgaging, self-employment and planning for our family's financial security. They have always offered us sound advice, and we know we can trust them to help us make the right decisions.

Lance Concannon, Worcester Park

A client since 2006

Garry Haywood is someone I can trust to advise on my financial affairs and his expertise provides real comfort.

David Judge, Tunbridge Wells

A client since 1999

98%of clients say working with us has helped them to achieve their financial goals.

98%of clients are satisfied with the quality of our review meetings.

96%of clients would recommend us to friends, family or colleagues.