James Male
Mortgage Advisor
Clients say: "Globe IFA has advised us through several major financial decisions, including home-buying, remortgaging, self-employment and planning for our family's financial security. They have always offered us sound advice, and we know we can trust them to help us make the right decisions."

I am one of the founder members of Globe. I’ve been in financial services since 1978, starting with Sun Life of Canada and then moving onto Allied Dunbar (now Zurich).
In 2006, I started specialising purely in mortgages, including equity release, and protection. I now run the mortgage side of the company which has over 400 clients.
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1978 was a big year for me; not only did I start in financial services but I also got married. We now have three children and six grandchildren.
As a family, we have always had dogs. We currently have two, along with a tortoise (which doesn’t need as many walks). My hobbies include annoying the grandchildren, children and wife (in that order) along with gardening, watching cricket, eating good food and golf.
- Hot summer days
- Curries
- Good company
- Bad jokes
- Beating Australia
- Cloudy, cold, winter days
- Sniffing
- American comedies
Get to know
Here’s your opportunity to find out a little more about James.
On an ideal weekend, you can find me:
Pottering about in the garden.
My favourite holiday destination is:
My favourite song to play in the car is:
Cream Album.
The first album I bought was:
Derek & Clive.
If I could be any fictional character, I would be:
Danger Mouse.
If I could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, I would win a medal in:
Annoying the grandchildren.
When the dessert menu arrives, I’m looking for:
A clean plate and cutlery.
The three qualities that draw me to new people are:
Honesty, straightforward, clean.
My pet peeve is:
Background music on TV programmes and documentaries.
The best gift I’ve ever received is:
A dachshund puppy.
The three people at my dream dinner party would be:
Gerard Durrell, Alexander the Great, Groucho Marx.
The three small things that make my day better are:
Considerate driving, no loud noises and warmth.
My proudest moment as a Financial Advisor was:
Being a finalist in the MoneyFacts Awards 2017 for Equity Release Adviser of the Year.
Three things I love most about my job are:
Conversation, education, every day is different.
The types of people I most enjoy working with are: